A Granny flat is a dwelling that is affordable, self-contained, and is located on the same land as the main house usually in the backyard. These are useful supplementary living structures for housing parents or grown-up children or even as a source of extra income through rentals. Interestingly, the granny flats have contemporary attributes, which make it possible to use them in populated large cities and suburbs. Due to the general high cost of acquiring residential units and more so the growing demand for flexibility in housing, more people are embracing granny flats. While, more and more municipalities are allowing these accessory units due to the zoning restrictions, architecture and designers have sought to use creativity in planning to fit the units with the actual building structures. This kind of housing can be regarded as a promising trend in the sustainable development of housing, which gives homeowners versatility without any decrease in quality or aesthetic appeal.



Granny flat is a dwelling that is affordable,
self-contained, and is located on the same land 

Widely used by Australians, granny flats acted as useful additional rooms in houses, and with time, more and more homeowners are looking for new ways and possibilities to modify these structures. The buildings also boast of infrastructural aspects involving the use of the available natural resources including solar energy for harnessing rainwater, fancy features such as heating floors and high-end technologies of home automation to mention but a few, the granny flats are not just a simple accessory dwelling unit as used in the past meaning. Contemporary, they have become elegant spaces for work and living that may be utilized for home offices, guest rooms, spare apartments, or Airbnb and rental. Thus, possessing the potential for adapting to the constant tendencies in lifestyles and housing, granny flats can be considered a unique and efficient potential option for homeowners.

Granny flats are self-contained units that have a kitchen or kitchenette, bathroom, bedrooms, laundry and living area, just like a house. However, the main difference is that they generally only have enough space to house one or two people comfortably, as they must be built on the same lot of land as a main house.

When building with Mcathur Constructions, not only are you assured of the best quality at the right price, but you’ll also have access to the best financial and property advice in their respective fields.

With granny flats as the direction that homeowners are leaning towards, there is no stopping the tradition of personalizing and coming up with even more unique granny flats. Some are even introducing features like green roofs and vertical gardens to increase the sustainability features of the homes, while others are including items such as built-in storage and space that can be used either as a bedroom or a study to increase the efficiency of the layout. This indicates that the granny flats are incredibly flexible in design and can be used in any way desired ranging from a comfortable dwelling for parents in their old age to a chic apartment for a single working individual. Given the versatility in the outcome and variability of peoples’ lives, granny flats are a worthy investment in homeowners’ properties to provide for the needed utility and freedom of design.